Part of the Lancaster Diocese

St Cuthbert's Catholic School
At St Cuthbert's we believe that our curriculum should offer children not only the National Curriculum but life skills and experiences beyond this.
Alongside teaching the requirements of the national curriculum, key drivers have been identified. We have prioritised the key skills and aspirations we want our children to experience and develop during their time with us. We use these 'drivers' to underpin the learning and experiences we undertake in all areas of school life and to ensure our curriculum offer is enriched. These key drivers are personal to our school and reflect the social and educational needs of our local area.
The following key drivers underpin our learning and are developed through the school. Our three key drivers for our school curriculum are:
Enquiry and curiosity means eager to learn or know and being confident to ask for information.
We desire for children to be curious about the world around them and ask questions. We encourage the children to be inquisitive and questioning through their learning and school life experiences.
This approach to learning enables inquisitive thinking such as exploration, investigation, and learning and nurtures problems solvers.
Aspiration is the hope, desire or ambition to strive to achieve something. To be the best they can possibly be and to challenge themselves as a learner. The development of aspirations encourages children to produce work of high quality and take pride in themselves.
Our pupils will develop the emotional and physical security to become resilient individuals, who are able to take risks and deal with different challenges across the curriculum and the wider world. They will be able to think positively and have the confidence to 'have a go'. They will develop the life skills necessary to work with growing independence and perseverance to become resourceful problem solvers able to nurture aspirations for the future