The School Day
The School Day
Breakfast Club - see Wraparound Care
Morning - The doors open at 8.30am and the school day begins at 8:45am. Any child that arrives late must enter via the main office, accompanied by their parent/carer, and sign in electronically. A child will be marked as absent if they arrive after 9:15am.
Break - Breaktime is at 10:30. There is a breaktime snack stall, run by our Year 6 students, where a variety of healthy snacks can be purchased for low prices. This includes cheese and crackers, pots of fruit, cereal bars, ricecakes, yoghurt tubes and more. Prices are typically 20p per item.
Lunch - Lunchtime is from 12:00 (12:20 for juniors) until 13:00/13.30. All children eat in the Hall in two sittings, and lunch menus are on a rolling three-week menu. Menu choices and dinner money payment is made via SchoolMoney and selection must be made the Thursday before.
End of Day - The school day ends with a staggered finish to enable safe exit from the school site. Reception and KS1 children finish at 3:20 and KS2 children finish at 3:30pm for KS2 children. All children are to be collected from the school gate or classroom door, unless permission has been granted to walk home independently in Years 5 and 6.
Reception and KS1 children spend a total of 26.75 hrs in class, or 31.75hrs in total with breaks and lunch included.
Junior school children spend a total of 27.5hrs in class, or 32.5hrs in total with breaks and lunch included.
Late Collection - If a parent is going to be late to collect then they must contact the Office in advance. If a child is not collected by 3:45pm then the child will be placed in After-School Club if there are places and a charge will be made.
After-School Club - see Wraparound Care